Source code for gpytorch.variational.nearest_neighbor_variational_strategy

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from typing import Any, Optional

import torch
from jaxtyping import Float
from linear_operator import to_dense
from linear_operator.operators import DiagLinearOperator, LinearOperator, TriangularLinearOperator
from linear_operator.utils.cholesky import psd_safe_cholesky
from torch import LongTensor, Tensor

from ..distributions import MultivariateNormal
from ..models import ApproximateGP, ExactGP
from ..module import Module
from ..utils.errors import CachingError
from ..utils.memoize import add_to_cache, cached, pop_from_cache
from ..utils.nearest_neighbors import NNUtil
from ._variational_distribution import _VariationalDistribution
from .mean_field_variational_distribution import MeanFieldVariationalDistribution
from .unwhitened_variational_strategy import UnwhitenedVariationalStrategy

[docs]class NNVariationalStrategy(UnwhitenedVariationalStrategy): r""" This strategy sets all inducing point locations to observed inputs, and employs a :math:`k`-nearest-neighbor approximation. It was introduced as the `Variational Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes (VNNGP)` in `Wu et al (2022)`_. See the `VNNGP tutorial`_ for an example. VNNGP assumes a k-nearest-neighbor generative process for inducing points :math:`\mathbf u`, :math:`\mathbf q(\mathbf u) = \prod_{j=1}^M q(u_j | \mathbf u_{n(j)})` where :math:`n(j)` denotes the indices of :math:`k` nearest neighbors for :math:`u_j` among :math:`u_1, \cdots, u_{j-1}`. For any test observation :math:`\mathbf f`, VNNGP makes predictive inference conditioned on its :math:`k` nearest inducing points :math:`\mathbf u_{n(f)}`, i.e. :math:`p(f|\mathbf u_{n(f)})`. VNNGP's objective factorizes over inducing points and observations, making stochastic optimization over both immediately available. After a one-time cost of computing the :math:`k`-nearest neighbor structure, the training and inference complexity is :math:`O(k^3)`. Since VNNGP uses observations as inducing points, it is a user choice to either (1) use the same mini-batch of inducing points and observations (recommended), or (2) use different mini-batches of inducing points and observations. See the `VNNGP tutorial`_ for implementation and comparison. .. note:: The current implementation only supports :obj:`~gpytorch.variational.MeanFieldVariationalDistribution`. We recommend installing the `faiss`_ library (requiring separate package installment) for nearest neighbor search, which is significantly faster than the `scikit-learn` nearest neighbor search. GPyTorch will automatically use `faiss` if it is installed, but will revert to `scikit-learn` otherwise. Different inducing point orderings will produce in different nearest neighbor approximations. :param ~gpytorch.models.ApproximateGP model: Model this strategy is applied to. Typically passed in when the VariationalStrategy is created in the __init__ method of the user defined model. :param inducing_points: Tensor containing a set of inducing points to use for variational inference. :param variational_distribution: A VariationalDistribution object that represents the form of the variational distribution :math:`q(\mathbf u)` :param k: Number of nearest neighbors. :param training_batch_size: The number of data points that will be in the training batch size. :param jitter_val: Amount of diagonal jitter to add for covariance matrix numerical stability. :param compute_full_kl: Whether to compute full kl divergence or stochastic estimate. .. _Wu et al (2022): .. _VNNGP tutorial: examples/04_Variational_and_Approximate_GPs/VNNGP.html .. _faiss: """ def __init__( self, model: ApproximateGP, inducing_points: Float[Tensor, "... M D"], variational_distribution: Float[_VariationalDistribution, "... M"], k: int, training_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, jitter_val: Optional[float] = 1e-3, compute_full_kl: Optional[bool] = False, ): assert isinstance( variational_distribution, MeanFieldVariationalDistribution ), "Currently, NNVariationalStrategy only supports MeanFieldVariationalDistribution." super().__init__( model, inducing_points, variational_distribution, learn_inducing_locations=False, jitter_val=jitter_val ) # Model object.__setattr__(self, "model", model) self.inducing_points = inducing_points self.M, self.D = inducing_points.shape[-2:] self.k = k assert self.k < self.M, ( f"Number of nearest neighbors k must be smaller than the number of inducing points, " f"but got k = {k}, M = {self.M}." ) self._inducing_batch_shape: torch.Size = inducing_points.shape[:-2] self._model_batch_shape: torch.Size = self._variational_distribution.variational_mean.shape[:-1] self._batch_shape: torch.Size = torch.broadcast_shapes(self._inducing_batch_shape, self._model_batch_shape) self.nn_util: NNUtil = NNUtil( k, dim=self.D, batch_shape=self._inducing_batch_shape, device=inducing_points.device ) self._compute_nn() # otherwise, no nearest neighbor approximation is used self.training_batch_size = training_batch_size if training_batch_size is not None else self.M self._set_training_iterator() self.compute_full_kl = compute_full_kl @property @cached(name="prior_distribution_memo") def prior_distribution(self) -> Float[MultivariateNormal, "... M"]: out = self.model.forward(self.inducing_points) res = MultivariateNormal(out.mean, out.lazy_covariance_matrix.add_jitter(self.jitter_val)) return res def _cholesky_factor( self, induc_induc_covar: Float[LinearOperator, "... M M"] ) -> Float[TriangularLinearOperator, "... M M"]: # Uncached version L = psd_safe_cholesky(to_dense(induc_induc_covar)) return TriangularLinearOperator(L) def __call__( self, x: Float[Tensor, "... N D"], prior: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> Float[MultivariateNormal, "... N"]: # If we're in prior mode, then we're done! if prior: return self.model.forward(x, **kwargs) if x is not None: # Make sure x and inducing points have the same batch shape if not (self.inducing_points.shape[:-2] == x.shape[:-2]): try: x = x.expand(*self.inducing_points.shape[:-2], *x.shape[-2:]).contiguous() except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError( f"x batch shape must match or broadcast with the inducing points' batch shape, " f"but got x batch shape = {x.shape[:-2]}, " f"inducing points batch shape = {self.inducing_points.shape[:-2]}." ) # Delete previously cached items from the training distribution if self._clear_cache() # (Maybe) initialize variational distribution if not self.variational_params_initialized.item(): prior_dist = self.prior_distribution torch.randn_like(prior_dist.mean), alpha=self._variational_distribution.mean_init_std ) # initialize with a small variational stddev for quicker conv. of kl divergence self.variational_params_initialized.fill_(1) return self.forward( x, self.inducing_points, inducing_values=None, variational_inducing_covar=None, **kwargs ) else: # Ensure inducing_points and x are the same size inducing_points = self.inducing_points return self.forward(x, inducing_points, inducing_values=None, variational_inducing_covar=None, **kwargs) def forward( self, x: Float[Tensor, "... N D"], inducing_points: Float[Tensor, "... M D"], inducing_values: Float[Tensor, "... M"], variational_inducing_covar: Optional[Float[LinearOperator, "... M M"]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Float[MultivariateNormal, "... N"]: if # In training mode, note that the full inducing points set = full training dataset # Users have the option to choose input None or a tensor of training data for x # If x is None, will sample training data from inducing points # Otherwise, will find the indices of inducing points that are equal to x if x is None: x_indices = self._get_training_indices() kl_indices = x_indices predictive_mean = self._variational_distribution.variational_mean[..., x_indices] predictive_var = self._variational_distribution._variational_stddev[..., x_indices] ** 2 else: # find the indices of inducing points that correspond to x x_indices = self.nn_util.find_nn_idx(x.float(), k=1).squeeze(-1) # (*inducing_batch_shape, batch_size) expanded_x_indices = x_indices.expand(*self._batch_shape, x_indices.shape[-1]) expanded_variational_mean = self._variational_distribution.variational_mean.expand( *self._batch_shape, self.M ) expanded_variational_var = ( self._variational_distribution._variational_stddev.expand(*self._batch_shape, self.M) ** 2 ) predictive_mean = expanded_variational_mean.gather(-1, expanded_x_indices) predictive_var = expanded_variational_var.gather(-1, expanded_x_indices) # sample a different indices for stochastic estimation of kl kl_indices = self._get_training_indices() kl = self._kl_divergence(kl_indices) add_to_cache(self, "kl_divergence_memo", kl) return MultivariateNormal(predictive_mean, DiagLinearOperator(predictive_var)) else: nn_indices = self.nn_util.find_nn_idx(x.float()) x_batch_shape = x.shape[:-2] batch_shape = torch.broadcast_shapes(self._batch_shape, x_batch_shape) x_bsz = x.shape[-2] assert nn_indices.shape == (*x_batch_shape, x_bsz, self.k), nn_indices.shape # select K nearest neighbors from inducing points for test point x expanded_nn_indices = nn_indices.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*x_batch_shape, x_bsz, self.k, self.D) expanded_inducing_points = inducing_points.unsqueeze(-2).expand(*x_batch_shape, self.M, self.k, self.D) inducing_points = expanded_inducing_points.gather(-3, expanded_nn_indices) assert inducing_points.shape == (*x_batch_shape, x_bsz, self.k, self.D) # get variational mean and covar for nearest neighbors inducing_values = self._variational_distribution.variational_mean expanded_inducing_values = inducing_values.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*batch_shape, self.M, self.k) expanded_nn_indices = nn_indices.expand(*batch_shape, x_bsz, self.k) inducing_values = expanded_inducing_values.gather(-2, expanded_nn_indices) assert inducing_values.shape == (*batch_shape, x_bsz, self.k) variational_stddev = self._variational_distribution._variational_stddev assert variational_stddev.shape == (*self._model_batch_shape, self.M) expanded_variational_stddev = variational_stddev.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*batch_shape, self.M, self.k) variational_inducing_covar = expanded_variational_stddev.gather(-2, expanded_nn_indices) ** 2 assert variational_inducing_covar.shape == (*batch_shape, x_bsz, self.k) variational_inducing_covar = DiagLinearOperator(variational_inducing_covar) assert variational_inducing_covar.shape == (*batch_shape, x_bsz, self.k, self.k) # Make everything batch mode x = x.unsqueeze(-2) assert x.shape == (*x_batch_shape, x_bsz, 1, self.D) x = x.expand(*batch_shape, x_bsz, 1, self.D) # Compute forward mode in the standard way _batch_dims = tuple(range(len(batch_shape))) _x = x.permute((-3,) + _batch_dims + (-2, -1)) # (x_bsz, *batch_shape, 1, D) # inducing_points.shape (*x_batch_shape, x_bsz, self.k, self.D) inducing_points = inducing_points.expand(*batch_shape, x_bsz, self.k, self.D) _inducing_points = inducing_points.permute((-3,) + _batch_dims + (-2, -1)) # (x_bsz, *batch_shape, k, D) _inducing_values = inducing_values.permute((-2,) + _batch_dims + (-1,)) _variational_inducing_covar = variational_inducing_covar.permute((-3,) + _batch_dims + (-2, -1)) dist = super().forward(_x, _inducing_points, _inducing_values, _variational_inducing_covar, **kwargs) _x_batch_dims = tuple(range(1, 1 + len(batch_shape))) predictive_mean = dist.mean # (x_bsz, *x_batch_shape, 1) predictive_covar = dist.covariance_matrix # (x_bsz, *x_batch_shape, 1, 1) predictive_mean = predictive_mean.permute(_x_batch_dims + (0, -1)) predictive_covar = predictive_covar.permute(_x_batch_dims + (0, -2, -1)) # Undo batch mode predictive_mean = predictive_mean.squeeze(-1) predictive_var = predictive_covar.squeeze(-2).squeeze(-1) assert predictive_var.shape == predictive_covar.shape[:-2] assert predictive_mean.shape == predictive_covar.shape[:-2] # Return the distribution return MultivariateNormal(predictive_mean, DiagLinearOperator(predictive_var)) def get_fantasy_model( self, inputs: Float[Tensor, "... N D"], targets: Float[Tensor, "... N"], mean_module: Optional[Module] = None, covar_module: Optional[Module] = None, **kwargs, ) -> ExactGP: raise NotImplementedError( f"No fantasy model support for {self.__class__.__name__}. " "Only VariationalStrategy and UnwhitenedVariationalStrategy are currently supported." ) def _set_training_iterator(self) -> None: self._training_indices_iter = 0 if self.training_batch_size == self.M: self._training_indices_iterator = (torch.arange(self.M, device=self.inducing_points.device),) else: # The first training batch always contains the first k inducing points # This is because computing the KL divergence for the first k inducing points is special-cased # (since the first k inducing points have < k neighbors) # Note that there is a special function _firstk_kl_helper for this training_indices = torch.randperm(self.M - self.k, device=self.inducing_points.device) + self.k self._training_indices_iterator = (torch.arange(self.k),) + training_indices.split(self.training_batch_size) self._total_training_batches = len(self._training_indices_iterator) def _get_training_indices(self) -> LongTensor: self.current_training_indices = self._training_indices_iterator[self._training_indices_iter] self._training_indices_iter += 1 if self._training_indices_iter == self._total_training_batches: self._set_training_iterator() return self.current_training_indices def _firstk_kl_helper(self) -> Float[Tensor, "..."]: # Compute the KL divergence for first k inducing points train_x_firstk = self.inducing_points[..., : self.k, :] full_output = self.model.forward(train_x_firstk) induc_mean, induc_induc_covar = full_output.mean, full_output.lazy_covariance_matrix induc_induc_covar = induc_induc_covar.add_jitter(self.jitter_val) prior_dist = MultivariateNormal(induc_mean, induc_induc_covar) inducing_values = self._variational_distribution.variational_mean[..., : self.k] variational_covar_fisrtk = self._variational_distribution._variational_stddev[..., : self.k] ** 2 variational_inducing_covar = DiagLinearOperator(variational_covar_fisrtk) variational_distribution = MultivariateNormal(inducing_values, variational_inducing_covar) kl = torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(variational_distribution, prior_dist) # model_batch_shape return kl def _stochastic_kl_helper(self, kl_indices: Float[Tensor, "n_batch"]) -> Float[Tensor, "..."]: # noqa: F821 # Compute the KL divergence for a mini batch of the rest M-k inducing points # See paper appendix for kl breakdown kl_bs = len(kl_indices) # training_batch_size variational_mean = self._variational_distribution.variational_mean # (*model_bs, M) variational_stddev = self._variational_distribution._variational_stddev # (1) compute logdet_q inducing_point_log_variational_covar = (variational_stddev[..., kl_indices] ** 2).log() logdet_q = torch.sum(inducing_point_log_variational_covar, dim=-1) # model_bs # (2) compute lodet_p # Select a mini-batch of inducing points according to kl_indices inducing_points = self.inducing_points[..., kl_indices, :].expand(*self._batch_shape, kl_bs, self.D) # (*bs, kl_bs, D) # Select their K nearest neighbors nearest_neighbor_indices = self.nn_xinduce_idx[..., kl_indices - self.k, :].to(inducing_points.device) # (*bs, kl_bs, K) expanded_inducing_points_all = self.inducing_points.unsqueeze(-2).expand( *self._batch_shape, self.M, self.k, self.D ) expanded_nearest_neighbor_indices = nearest_neighbor_indices.unsqueeze(-1).expand( *self._batch_shape, kl_bs, self.k, self.D ) nearest_neighbors = expanded_inducing_points_all.gather(-3, expanded_nearest_neighbor_indices) # (*bs, kl_bs, K, D) # Compute prior distribution # Move the kl_bs dimension to the first dimension to enable batch covar_module computation nearest_neighbors_ = nearest_neighbors.permute((-3,) + tuple(range(len(self._batch_shape))) + (-2, -1)) # (kl_bs, *bs, K, D) inducing_points_ = inducing_points.permute((-2,) + tuple(range(len(self._batch_shape))) + (-1,)) # (kl_bs, *bs, D) full_output = self.model.forward([nearest_neighbors_, inducing_points_.unsqueeze(-2)], dim=-2)) full_mean, full_covar = full_output.mean, full_output.covariance_matrix # Mean terms _undo_permute_dims = tuple(range(1, 1 + len(self._batch_shape))) + (0, -1) nearest_neighbors_prior_mean = full_mean[..., : self.k].permute(_undo_permute_dims) # (*inducing_bs, kl_bs, K) inducing_prior_mean = full_mean[..., self.k :].permute(_undo_permute_dims).squeeze(-1) # (*inducing_bs, kl_bs) # Covar terms nearest_neighbors_prior_cov = full_covar[..., : self.k, : self.k] nearest_neighbors_inducing_prior_cross_cov = full_covar[..., : self.k, self.k :] inducing_prior_cov = full_covar[..., self.k :, self.k :] inducing_prior_cov = ( inducing_prior_cov.squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1).permute((-1,) + tuple(range(len(self._batch_shape)))) ) # Interpolation term K_nn^{-1} k_{nu} interp_term = torch.linalg.solve( nearest_neighbors_prior_cov + self.jitter_val * torch.eye(self.k, device=self.inducing_points.device), nearest_neighbors_inducing_prior_cross_cov, ).squeeze( -1 ) # (kl_bs, *inducing_bs, K) interp_term = interp_term.permute(_undo_permute_dims) # (*inducing_bs, kl_bs, K) nearest_neighbors_inducing_prior_cross_cov = nearest_neighbors_inducing_prior_cross_cov.squeeze(-1).permute( _undo_permute_dims ) # k_{n(j),j}, (*inducing_bs, kl_bs, K) invquad_term_for_F = torch.sum( interp_term * nearest_neighbors_inducing_prior_cross_cov, dim=-1 ) # (*inducing_bs, kl_bs) inducing_prior_cov = self.model.covar_module.forward( inducing_points, inducing_points, diag=True ) # (*inducing_bs, kl_bs) F = inducing_prior_cov - invquad_term_for_F F = F + self.jitter_val # K_uu - k_un K_nn^{-1} k_nu logdet_p = F.log().sum(dim=-1) # shape: inducing_bs # (3) compute trace_term expanded_variational_stddev = variational_stddev.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*self._batch_shape, self.M, self.k) expanded_variational_mean = variational_mean.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*self._batch_shape, self.M, self.k) expanded_nearest_neighbor_indices = nearest_neighbor_indices.expand(*self._batch_shape, kl_bs, self.k) nearest_neighbor_variational_covar = ( expanded_variational_stddev.gather(-2, expanded_nearest_neighbor_indices) ** 2 ) # (*batch_shape, kl_bs, k) bjsquared_s_nearest_neighbors = torch.sum( interp_term**2 * nearest_neighbor_variational_covar, dim=-1 ) # (*batch_shape, kl_bs) inducing_point_variational_covar = variational_stddev[..., kl_indices] ** 2 # (model_bs, kl_bs) trace_term = (1.0 / F * (bjsquared_s_nearest_neighbors + inducing_point_variational_covar)).sum( dim=-1 ) # batch_shape # (4) compute invquad_term nearest_neighbors_variational_mean = expanded_variational_mean.gather(-2, expanded_nearest_neighbor_indices) Bj_m_nearest_neighbors = torch.sum( interp_term * (nearest_neighbors_variational_mean - nearest_neighbors_prior_mean), dim=-1 ) inducing_variational_mean = variational_mean[..., kl_indices] invquad_term = torch.sum( (inducing_variational_mean - inducing_prior_mean - Bj_m_nearest_neighbors) ** 2 / F, dim=-1 ) kl = (logdet_p - logdet_q - kl_bs + trace_term + invquad_term) * (1.0 / 2) assert kl.shape == self._batch_shape, kl.shape return kl def _kl_divergence( self, kl_indices: Optional[LongTensor] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None ) -> Float[Tensor, "..."]: if self.compute_full_kl or (self._total_training_batches == 1): if batch_size is None: batch_size = self.training_batch_size kl = self._firstk_kl_helper() for kl_indices in torch.split(torch.arange(self.k, self.M), batch_size): kl += self._stochastic_kl_helper(kl_indices) else: # compute a stochastic estimate assert kl_indices is not None if self._training_indices_iter == 1: assert len(kl_indices) == self.k, ( f"kl_indices sould be the first batch data of length k, " f"but got len(kl_indices) = {len(kl_indices)} and k = {self.k}." ) kl = self._firstk_kl_helper() * self.M / self.k else: kl = self._stochastic_kl_helper(kl_indices) * self.M / len(kl_indices) return kl def kl_divergence(self) -> Float[Tensor, "..."]: try: return pop_from_cache(self, "kl_divergence_memo") except CachingError: raise RuntimeError("KL Divergence of variational strategy was called before nearest neighbors were set.") def _compute_nn(self) -> "NNVariationalStrategy": with torch.no_grad(): inducing_points_fl = self.nn_util.set_nn_idx(inducing_points_fl) self.nn_xinduce_idx = self.nn_util.build_sequential_nn_idx(inducing_points_fl) # shape (*_inducing_batch_shape, M-k, k) return self