#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
import linear_operator
import torch
from linear_operator import LinearOperator
from torch import Tensor
from . import (
from .functions import inv_matmul, log_normal_cdf, logdet, matmul # Deprecated
from .mlls import ExactMarginalLogLikelihood
from .module import Module
Anysor = Union[LinearOperator, Tensor]
[docs]def add_diagonal(input: Anysor, diag: Tensor) -> LinearOperator:
Adds an element to the diagonal of the matrix :math:`\mathbf A`.
:param input: The matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A` (... x N x N).
:param diag: Diagonal to add
:return: :math:`\mathbf A + \text{diag}(\mathbf d)`, where :math:`\mathbf A` is the linear operator
and :math:`\mathbf d` is the diagonal component
return linear_operator.add_diagonal(input=input, diag=diag)
[docs]def add_jitter(input: Anysor, jitter_val: float = 1e-3) -> Anysor:
Adds jitter (i.e., a small diagonal component) to the matrix this
LinearOperator represents.
This is equivalent to calling :meth:`~linear_operator.operators.LinearOperator.add_diagonal`
with a scalar tensor.
:param input: The matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A` (... x N x N).
:param jitter_val: The diagonal component to add
:return: :math:`\mathbf A + \alpha (\mathbf I)`, where :math:`\mathbf A` is the linear operator
and :math:`\alpha` is :attr:`jitter_val`.
return linear_operator.add_jitter(input=input, jitter_val=jitter_val)
[docs]def diagonalization(input: Anysor, method: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
Returns a (usually partial) diagonalization of a symmetric positive definite matrix (or batch of matrices).
:math:`\mathbf A`.
Options are either "lanczos" or "symeig". "lanczos" runs Lanczos while
"symeig" runs LinearOperator.symeig.
:param input: The matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A` (... x N x N).
:param method: Specify the method to use ("lanczos" or "symeig"). The method will be determined
based on size if not specified.
:return: eigenvalues and eigenvectors representing the diagonalization.
return linear_operator.diagonalization(input=input, method=method)
[docs]def dsmm(
sparse_mat: Union[torch.sparse.HalfTensor, torch.sparse.FloatTensor, torch.sparse.DoubleTensor],
dense_mat: Tensor,
) -> Tensor:
Performs the (batch) matrix multiplication :math:`\mathbf{SD}`
where :math:`\mathbf S` is a sparse matrix and :math:`\mathbf D` is a dense matrix.
:param sparse_mat: Sparse matrix :math:`\mathbf S` (... x M x N)
:param dense_mat: Dense matrix :math:`\mathbf D` (... x N x O)
:return: :math:`\mathbf S \mathbf D` (... x M x N)
return linear_operator.dsmm(sparse_mat=sparse_mat, dense_mat=dense_mat)
[docs]def inv_quad(input: Anysor, inv_quad_rhs: Tensor, reduce_inv_quad: bool = True) -> Tensor:
Computes an inverse quadratic form (w.r.t self) with several right hand sides, i.e:
.. math::
\text{tr}\left( \mathbf R^\top \mathbf A^{-1} \mathbf R \right),
where :math:`\mathbf A` is a positive definite matrix (or batch of matrices) and :math:`\mathbf R`
represents the right hand sides (:attr:`inv_quad_rhs`).
If :attr:`reduce_inv_quad` is set to false (and :attr:`inv_quad_rhs` is supplied),
the function instead computes
.. math::
\text{diag}\left( \mathbf R^\top \mathbf A^{-1} \mathbf R \right).
:param input: :math:`\mathbf A` - the positive definite matrix (... X N X N)
:param inv_quad_rhs: :math:`\mathbf R` - the right hand sides of the inverse quadratic term (... x N x M)
:param reduce_inv_quad: Whether to compute
:math:`\text{tr}\left( \mathbf R^\top \mathbf A^{-1} \mathbf R \right)`
or :math:`\text{diag}\left( \mathbf R^\top \mathbf A^{-1} \mathbf R \right)`.
:returns: The inverse quadratic term.
If `reduce_inv_quad=True`, the inverse quadratic term is of shape (...). Otherwise, it is (... x M).
return linear_operator.inv_quad(input=input, inv_quad_rhs=inv_quad_rhs, reduce_inv_quad=reduce_inv_quad)
[docs]def inv_quad_logdet(
input: Anysor,
inv_quad_rhs: Optional[Tensor] = None,
logdet: bool = False,
reduce_inv_quad: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
Calls both :func:`inv_quad_logdet` and :func:`logdet` on a positive definite matrix (or batch) :math:`\mathbf A`.
However, calling this method is far more efficient and stable than calling each method independently.
:param input: :math:`\mathbf A` - the positive definite matrix (... X N X N)
:param inv_quad_rhs: :math:`\mathbf R` - the right hand sides of the inverse quadratic term (... x N x M)
:param logdet: Whether or not to compute the
logdet term :math:`\log \vert \mathbf A \vert`.
:param reduce_inv_quad: Whether to compute
:math:`\text{tr}\left( \mathbf R^\top \mathbf A^{-1} \mathbf R \right)`
or :math:`\text{diag}\left( \mathbf R^\top \mathbf A^{-1} \mathbf R \right)`.
:returns: The inverse quadratic term (or None), and the logdet term (or None).
If `reduce_inv_quad=True`, the inverse quadratic term is of shape (...). Otherwise, it is (... x M).
return linear_operator.inv_quad_logdet(
[docs]def pivoted_cholesky(
input: Anysor,
rank: int,
error_tol: Optional[float] = None,
return_pivots: bool = False,
) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]:
Performs a partial pivoted Cholesky factorization of a positive definite matrix (or batch of matrices).
:math:`\mathbf L \mathbf L^\top = \mathbf A`.
The partial pivoted Cholesky factor :math:`\mathbf L \in \mathbb R^{N \times \text{rank}}`
forms a low rank approximation to the LinearOperator.
The pivots are selected greedily, correspoading to the maximum diagonal element in the
residual after each Cholesky iteration. See `Harbrecht et al., 2012`_.
:param input: The matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A` (... x N x N).
:param rank: The size of the partial pivoted Cholesky factor.
:param error_tol: Defines an optional stopping criterion.
If the residual of the factorization is less than :attr:`error_tol`, then the
factorization will exit early. This will result in a :math:`\leq \text{ rank}` factor.
:param return_pivots: Whether or not to return the pivots alongside
the partial pivoted Cholesky factor.
:return: The `... x N x rank` factor (and optionally the `... x N` pivots if :attr:`return_pivots` is True).
.. _Harbrecht et al., 2012:
return linear_operator.pivoted_cholesky(input=input, rank=rank, return_pivots=return_pivots)
[docs]def root_decomposition(input: Anysor, method: Optional[str] = None) -> LinearOperator:
Returns a (usually low-rank) root decomposition linear operator of the
positive definite matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A`.
This can be used for sampling from a Gaussian distribution, or for obtaining a
low-rank version of a matrix.
:param input: The matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A` (... x N x N).
:param method: Which method to use to perform the root decomposition. Choices are:
"cholesky", "lanczos", "symeig", "pivoted_cholesky", or "svd".
:return: A tensor :math:`\mathbf R` such that :math:`\mathbf R \mathbf R^\top \approx \mathbf A`.
return linear_operator.root_decomposition(input=input, method=method)
[docs]def root_inv_decomposition(
input: Anysor,
initial_vectors: Optional[Tensor] = None,
test_vectors: Optional[Tensor] = None,
method: Optional[str] = None,
) -> LinearOperator:
Returns a (usually low-rank) inverse root decomposition linear operator
of the PSD LinearOperator :math:`\mathbf A`.
This can be used for sampling from a Gaussian distribution, or for obtaining a
low-rank version of a matrix.
The root_inv_decomposition is performed using a partial Lanczos tridiagonalization.
:param input: The matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A` (... x N x N).
:param initial_vectors: Vectors used to initialize the Lanczos decomposition.
The best initialization vector (determined by :attr:`test_vectors`) will be chosen.
:param test_vectors: Vectors used to test the accuracy of the decomposition.
:param method: Root decomposition method to use (symeig, diagonalization, lanczos, or cholesky).
:return: A tensor :math:`\mathbf R` such that :math:`\mathbf R \mathbf R^\top \approx \mathbf A^{-1}`.
return linear_operator.root_inv_decomposition(
[docs]def solve(input: Anysor, rhs: Tensor, lhs: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
Given a positive definite matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A`,
computes a linear solve with right hand side :math:`\mathbf R`:
.. math::
\mathbf A^{-1} \mathbf R,
where :math:`\mathbf R` is :attr:`right_tensor` and :math:`\mathbf A` is the LinearOperator.
.. note::
Unlike :func:`torch.linalg.solve`, this function can take an optional :attr:`left_tensor` attribute.
If this is supplied :func:`gpytorch.solve` computes
.. math::
\mathbf L \mathbf A^{-1} \mathbf R,
where :math:`\mathbf L` is :attr:`left_tensor`.
Supplying this can reduce the number of solver calls required in the backward pass.
:param input: The matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A` (... x N x N).
:param rhs: :math:`\mathbf R` - the right hand side
:param lhs: :math:`\mathbf L` - the left hand side
:return: :math:`\mathbf A^{-1} \mathbf R` or :math:`\mathbf L \mathbf A^{-1} \mathbf R`.
return linear_operator.solve(input=input, rhs=rhs, lhs=lhs)
[docs]def sqrt_inv_matmul(input: Anysor, rhs: Tensor, lhs: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
Given a positive definite matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A`
and a right hand size :math:`\mathbf R`,
.. math::
\mathbf A^{-1/2} \mathbf R,
If :attr:`lhs` is supplied, computes
.. math::
\mathbf L \mathbf A^{-1/2} \mathbf R,
where :math:`\mathbf L` is :attr:`lhs`.
(Supplying :attr:`lhs` can reduce the number of solver calls required in the backward pass.)
:param input: The matrix (or batch of matrices) :math:`\mathbf A` (... x N x N).
:param rhs: :math:`\mathbf R` - the right hand side
:param lhs: :math:`\mathbf L` - the left hand side
:return: :math:`\mathbf A^{-1/2} \mathbf R` or :math:`\mathbf L \mathbf A^{-1/2} \mathbf R`.
return linear_operator.sqrt_inv_matmul(input=input, rhs=rhs, lhs=lhs)
# Read version number as written by setuptools_scm
from gpytorch.version import version as __version__
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
__version__ = "Unknown" # pragma: no cover
__all__ = [
# Submodules
# Classes
# Functions
# Context managers
# Other
# Deprecated