Scalable Exact GP Posterior Sampling using Contour Integral Quadrature¶
This notebook demonstrates the most simple usage of contour integral quadrature with msMINRES as described here to sample from the predictive distribution of an exact GP.
Note that to achieve results where Cholesky would run the GPU out of memory, you’ll need to have KeOps installed (see our KeOps tutorial in this same folder). Despite this, on this relatively simple example with 1000 training points but seeing to sample at 20000 test points in 1D, we will achieve significant speed ups over Cholesky.
import math
import torch
import gpytorch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", gpytorch.utils.warnings.NumericalWarning)
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
# Training data is 11 points in [0,1] inclusive regularly spaced
train_x = torch.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
# True function is sin(2*pi*x) with Gaussian noise
train_y = torch.sin(train_x * (2 * math.pi)) + torch.randn(train_x.size()) * 0.2
Are we running with KeOps?¶
If you have KeOps, change the below flag to True
to run with a significantly larger test set.
Define an Exact GP Model and train¶
class ExactGPModel(gpytorch.models.ExactGP):
def __init__(self, train_x, train_y, likelihood):
super(ExactGPModel, self).__init__(train_x, train_y, likelihood)
self.mean_module = gpytorch.means.ConstantMean()
self.covar_module = gpytorch.kernels.ScaleKernel(gpytorch.kernels.keops.RBFKernel())
self.covar_module = gpytorch.kernels.ScaleKernel(gpytorch.kernels.RBFKernel())
def forward(self, x):
mean_x = self.mean_module(x)
covar_x = self.covar_module(x)
return gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar_x)
# initialize likelihood and model
likelihood = gpytorch.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood()
model = ExactGPModel(train_x, train_y, likelihood)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
train_x = train_x.cuda()
train_y = train_y.cuda()
model = model.cuda()
likelihood = likelihood.cuda()
# this is for running the notebook in our testing framework
import os
smoke_test = ('CI' in os.environ)
training_iter = 2 if smoke_test else 50
# Find optimal model hyperparameters
# Use the adam optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.1) # Includes GaussianLikelihood parameters
# "Loss" for GPs - the marginal log likelihood
mll = gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood, model)
for i in range(training_iter):
# Zero gradients from previous iteration
# Output from model
output = model(train_x)
# Calc loss and backprop gradients
loss = -mll(output, train_y)
print('Iter %d/%d - Loss: %.3f lengthscale: %.3f noise: %.3f' % (
i + 1, training_iter, loss.item(),
Iter 1/50 - Loss: 0.861 lengthscale: 0.693 noise: 0.693
Iter 2/50 - Loss: 0.814 lengthscale: 0.644 noise: 0.644
Iter 3/50 - Loss: 0.763 lengthscale: 0.598 noise: 0.598
Iter 4/50 - Loss: 0.718 lengthscale: 0.554 noise: 0.554
Iter 5/50 - Loss: 0.666 lengthscale: 0.513 noise: 0.513
Iter 6/50 - Loss: 0.618 lengthscale: 0.474 noise: 0.474
Iter 7/50 - Loss: 0.572 lengthscale: 0.439 noise: 0.437
Iter 8/50 - Loss: 0.530 lengthscale: 0.408 noise: 0.402
Iter 9/50 - Loss: 0.486 lengthscale: 0.380 noise: 0.370
Iter 10/50 - Loss: 0.452 lengthscale: 0.355 noise: 0.339
Iter 11/50 - Loss: 0.415 lengthscale: 0.334 noise: 0.311
Iter 12/50 - Loss: 0.376 lengthscale: 0.316 noise: 0.285
Iter 13/50 - Loss: 0.331 lengthscale: 0.301 noise: 0.261
Iter 14/50 - Loss: 0.293 lengthscale: 0.288 noise: 0.238
Iter 15/50 - Loss: 0.258 lengthscale: 0.276 noise: 0.217
Iter 16/50 - Loss: 0.219 lengthscale: 0.266 noise: 0.198
Iter 17/50 - Loss: 0.188 lengthscale: 0.258 noise: 0.181
Iter 18/50 - Loss: 0.146 lengthscale: 0.250 noise: 0.165
Iter 19/50 - Loss: 0.109 lengthscale: 0.244 noise: 0.150
Iter 20/50 - Loss: 0.081 lengthscale: 0.238 noise: 0.136
Iter 21/50 - Loss: 0.042 lengthscale: 0.234 noise: 0.124
Iter 22/50 - Loss: 0.007 lengthscale: 0.230 noise: 0.113
Iter 23/50 - Loss: -0.020 lengthscale: 0.227 noise: 0.103
Iter 24/50 - Loss: -0.043 lengthscale: 0.224 noise: 0.094
Iter 25/50 - Loss: -0.075 lengthscale: 0.222 noise: 0.085
Iter 26/50 - Loss: -0.094 lengthscale: 0.221 noise: 0.078
Iter 27/50 - Loss: -0.108 lengthscale: 0.221 noise: 0.071
Iter 28/50 - Loss: -0.149 lengthscale: 0.221 noise: 0.065
Iter 29/50 - Loss: -0.160 lengthscale: 0.221 noise: 0.060
Iter 30/50 - Loss: -0.174 lengthscale: 0.222 noise: 0.055
Iter 31/50 - Loss: -0.191 lengthscale: 0.223 noise: 0.050
Iter 32/50 - Loss: -0.205 lengthscale: 0.224 noise: 0.047
Iter 33/50 - Loss: -0.205 lengthscale: 0.226 noise: 0.043
Iter 34/50 - Loss: -0.211 lengthscale: 0.228 noise: 0.040
Iter 35/50 - Loss: -0.211 lengthscale: 0.230 noise: 0.038
Iter 36/50 - Loss: -0.208 lengthscale: 0.232 noise: 0.035
Iter 37/50 - Loss: -0.219 lengthscale: 0.235 noise: 0.034
Iter 38/50 - Loss: -0.199 lengthscale: 0.237 noise: 0.032
Iter 39/50 - Loss: -0.198 lengthscale: 0.240 noise: 0.031
Iter 40/50 - Loss: -0.201 lengthscale: 0.243 noise: 0.030
Iter 41/50 - Loss: -0.204 lengthscale: 0.246 noise: 0.029
Iter 42/50 - Loss: -0.196 lengthscale: 0.249 noise: 0.028
Iter 43/50 - Loss: -0.196 lengthscale: 0.252 noise: 0.028
Iter 44/50 - Loss: -0.197 lengthscale: 0.254 noise: 0.028
Iter 45/50 - Loss: -0.183 lengthscale: 0.256 noise: 0.028
Iter 46/50 - Loss: -0.183 lengthscale: 0.258 noise: 0.028
Iter 47/50 - Loss: -0.195 lengthscale: 0.261 noise: 0.028
Iter 48/50 - Loss: -0.197 lengthscale: 0.263 noise: 0.029
Iter 49/50 - Loss: -0.193 lengthscale: 0.265 noise: 0.029
Iter 50/50 - Loss: -0.203 lengthscale: 0.268 noise: 0.030
Define test set¶
If we have KeOps installed, we’ll test on 50000 points instead of 10000.
test_n = 50000
test_n = 10000
test_x = torch.linspace(0, 1, test_n)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
test_x = test_x.cuda()
Draw a sample with CIQ¶
To do this, we just add the ciq_samples
setting to the rsample call. We additionally demonstrate all relevant settings for controlling Contour Integral Quadrature:
setting determines whether or not to use CIQThe
setting controls the number of quadrature sites (Q in the paper).The
setting controls the error we tolerate from minres (here, <0.01%).
Note that, of these settings, increase num_contour_quadrature is unlikely to improve performance. As Theorem 1 from the paper demonstrates, virtually all of the error in this method is controlled by minres_tolerance. Here, we use a quite tight tolerance for minres.
import time
# Get into evaluation (predictive posterior) mode
# Test points are regularly spaced along [0,1]
# Make predictions by feeding model through likelihood
with torch.no_grad():
observed_pred = likelihood(model(test_x))
# All relevant settings for using CIQ.
# ciq_samples(True) - Use CIQ for sampling
# num_contour_quadrature(10) -- Use 10 quadrature sites (Q in the paper)
# minres_tolerance -- error tolerance from minres (here, <0.01%).
print("Running with CIQ")
with gpytorch.settings.ciq_samples(True), gpytorch.settings.num_contour_quadrature(10), gpytorch.settings.minres_tolerance(1e-4):
%time y_samples = observed_pred.rsample()
print("Running with Cholesky")
# Make sure we use Cholesky
with gpytorch.settings.fast_computations(covar_root_decomposition=False):
%time y_samples = observed_pred.rsample()
Running with CIQ
CPU times: user 711 ms, sys: 38.4 ms, total: 749 ms
Wall time: 677 ms
Running with Cholesky
CPU times: user 1min 36s, sys: 892 ms, total: 1min 37s
Wall time: 30.9 s
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