Source code for gpytorch.likelihoods.multitask_gaussian_likelihood

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import torch
from linear_operator import to_linear_operator
from linear_operator.operators import (
from torch import Tensor

from ..constraints import GreaterThan
from ..distributions import MultitaskMultivariateNormal, base_distributions
from ..lazy import LazyEvaluatedKernelTensor
from ..likelihoods import Likelihood, _GaussianLikelihoodBase
from ..module import Module
from ..priors import Prior

class _MultitaskGaussianLikelihoodBase(_GaussianLikelihoodBase):
    Base class for multi-task Gaussian Likelihoods, supporting general heteroskedastic noise models.

    :param num_tasks: Number of tasks.
    :param noise_covar: A model for the noise covariance. This can be a simple homoskedastic noise model, or a GP
        that is to be fitted on the observed measurement errors.
    :param rank: The rank of the task noise covariance matrix to fit. If `rank`
        is set to 0, then a diagonal covariance matrix is fit.
    :param task_correlation_prior: Prior to use over the task noise correlation
        matrix. Only used when :math:`\text{rank} > 0`.
    :param batch_shape: Number of batches.

    def __init__(
        num_tasks: int,
        noise_covar: Module,
        rank: Optional[int] = 0,
        task_correlation_prior: Optional[Prior] = None,
        batch_shape: torch.Size = torch.Size(),
        if rank != 0:
            if rank > num_tasks:
                raise ValueError(f"Cannot have rank ({rank}) greater than num_tasks ({num_tasks})")
            tidcs = torch.tril_indices(num_tasks, rank, dtype=torch.long)
            self.tidcs = tidcs[:, 1:]  # (1, 1) must be 1.0, no need to parameterize this
            task_noise_corr = torch.randn(*batch_shape, self.tidcs.size(-1))
            self.register_parameter("task_noise_corr", torch.nn.Parameter(task_noise_corr))
            if task_correlation_prior is not None:
                    "MultitaskErrorCorrelationPrior", task_correlation_prior, lambda m: m._eval_corr_matrix
        elif task_correlation_prior is not None:
            raise ValueError("Can only specify task_correlation_prior if rank>0")
        self.num_tasks = num_tasks
        self.rank = rank

    def _eval_corr_matrix(self) -> Tensor:
        tnc = self.task_noise_corr
        fac_diag = torch.ones(*tnc.shape[:-1], self.num_tasks, device=tnc.device, dtype=tnc.dtype)
        Cfac = torch.diag_embed(fac_diag)
        Cfac[..., self.tidcs[0], self.tidcs[1]] = self.task_noise_corr
        # squared rows must sum to one for this to be a correlation matrix
        C = Cfac / Cfac.pow(2).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True).sqrt()
        return C @ C.transpose(-1, -2)

    def marginal(self, function_dist: MultitaskMultivariateNormal, *params, **kwargs) -> MultitaskMultivariateNormal:
        If :math:`\text{rank} = 0`, adds the task noises to the diagonal of the
        covariance matrix of the supplied
        :obj:`~gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal` or
        :obj:`~gpytorch.distributions.MultitaskMultivariateNormal`.  Otherwise,
        adds a rank `rank` covariance matrix to it.

        To accomplish this, we form a new
        between :math:`I_{n}`, an identity matrix with size equal to the data
        and a (not necessarily diagonal) matrix containing the task noises

        We also incorporate a shared `noise` parameter from the base
        :class:`gpytorch.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood` that we extend.

        The final covariance matrix after this method is then
        :math:`\mathbf K + \mathbf D_{t} \otimes \mathbf I_{n} + \sigma^{2} \mathbf I_{nt}`.

        :param function_dist: Random variable whose covariance
            matrix is a :obj:`~linear_operator.operators.LinearOperator` we intend to augment.
        :return: A new random variable whose covariance matrix is a
            :obj:`~linear_operator.operators.LinearOperator` with
            :math:`\mathbf D_{t} \otimes \mathbf I_{n}` and :math:`\sigma^{2} \mathbf I_{nt}` added.
        mean, covar = function_dist.mean, function_dist.lazy_covariance_matrix

        # ensure that sumKroneckerLT is actually called
        if isinstance(covar, LazyEvaluatedKernelTensor):
            covar = covar.evaluate_kernel()

        covar_kron_lt = self._shaped_noise_covar(mean.shape, add_noise=self.has_global_noise)
        covar = covar + covar_kron_lt

        return function_dist.__class__(mean, covar)

    def _shaped_noise_covar(
        self, shape: torch.Size, add_noise: Optional[bool] = True, *params, **kwargs
    ) -> LinearOperator:
        if not self.has_task_noise:
            noise = ConstantDiagLinearOperator(self.noise, diag_shape=shape[-2] * self.num_tasks)
            return noise

        if self.rank == 0:
            task_noises = self.raw_task_noises_constraint.transform(self.raw_task_noises)
            task_var_lt = DiagLinearOperator(task_noises)
            dtype, device = task_noises.dtype, task_noises.device
            ckl_init = KroneckerProductDiagLinearOperator
            task_noise_covar_factor = self.task_noise_covar_factor
            task_var_lt = RootLinearOperator(task_noise_covar_factor)
            dtype, device = task_noise_covar_factor.dtype, task_noise_covar_factor.device
            ckl_init = KroneckerProductLinearOperator

        eye_lt = ConstantDiagLinearOperator(
            torch.ones(*shape[:-2], 1, dtype=dtype, device=device), diag_shape=shape[-2]
        task_var_lt = task_var_lt.expand(*shape[:-2], *task_var_lt.matrix_shape)

        # to add the latent noise we exploit the fact that
        # I \kron D_T + \sigma^2 I_{NT} = I \kron (D_T + \sigma^2 I)
        # which allows us to move the latent noise inside the task dependent noise
        # thereby allowing exploitation of Kronecker structure in this likelihood.
        if add_noise and self.has_global_noise:
            noise = ConstantDiagLinearOperator(self.noise, diag_shape=task_var_lt.shape[-1])
            task_var_lt = task_var_lt + noise

        covar_kron_lt = ckl_init(eye_lt, task_var_lt)

        return covar_kron_lt

    def forward(self, function_samples: Tensor, *params: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> base_distributions.Normal:
        noise = self._shaped_noise_covar(function_samples.shape, *params, **kwargs).diagonal(dim1=-1, dim2=-2)
        noise = noise.reshape(*noise.shape[:-1], *function_samples.shape[-2:])
        return base_distributions.Independent(base_distributions.Normal(function_samples, noise.sqrt()), 1)

[docs]class MultitaskGaussianLikelihood(_MultitaskGaussianLikelihoodBase): r""" A convenient extension of the :class:`~gpytorch.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood` to the multitask setting that allows for a full cross-task covariance structure for the noise. The fitted covariance matrix has rank `rank`. If a strictly diagonal task noise covariance matrix is desired, then rank=0 should be set. (This option still allows for a different `noise` parameter for each task.) Like the Gaussian likelihood, this object can be used with exact inference. .. note:: At least one of :attr:`has_global_noise` or :attr:`has_task_noise` should be specified. :param num_tasks: Number of tasks. :param noise_covar: A model for the noise covariance. This can be a simple homoskedastic noise model, or a GP that is to be fitted on the observed measurement errors. :param rank: The rank of the task noise covariance matrix to fit. If `rank` is set to 0, then a diagonal covariance matrix is fit. :param task_prior: Prior to use over the task noise correlation matrix. Only used when :math:`\text{rank} > 0`. :param batch_shape: Number of batches. :param has_global_noise: Whether to include a :math:`\sigma^2 \mathbf I_{nt}` term in the noise model. :param has_task_noise: Whether to include task-specific noise terms, which add :math:`\mathbf I_n \otimes \mathbf D_T` into the noise model. """ def __init__( self, num_tasks, rank=0, task_prior=None, batch_shape=torch.Size(), noise_prior=None, noise_constraint=None, has_global_noise=True, has_task_noise=True, ): super(Likelihood, self).__init__() if noise_constraint is None: noise_constraint = GreaterThan(1e-4) if not has_task_noise and not has_global_noise: raise ValueError( "At least one of has_task_noise or has_global_noise must be specified. " "Attempting to specify a likelihood that has no noise terms." ) if has_task_noise: if rank == 0: self.register_parameter( name="raw_task_noises", parameter=torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(*batch_shape, num_tasks)) ) self.register_constraint("raw_task_noises", noise_constraint) if noise_prior is not None: self.register_prior("raw_task_noises_prior", noise_prior, lambda m: m.task_noises) if task_prior is not None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot set a `task_prior` if rank=0") else: self.register_parameter( name="task_noise_covar_factor", parameter=torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(*batch_shape, num_tasks, rank)), ) if task_prior is not None: self.register_prior("MultitaskErrorCovariancePrior", task_prior, lambda m: m._eval_covar_matrix) self.num_tasks = num_tasks self.rank = rank if has_global_noise: self.register_parameter(name="raw_noise", parameter=torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(*batch_shape, 1))) self.register_constraint("raw_noise", noise_constraint) if noise_prior is not None: self.register_prior("raw_noise_prior", noise_prior, lambda m: m.noise) self.has_global_noise = has_global_noise self.has_task_noise = has_task_noise @property def noise(self) -> Tensor: return self.raw_noise_constraint.transform(self.raw_noise) @noise.setter def noise(self, value: Union[float, Tensor]): self._set_noise(value) @property def task_noises(self) -> Tensor: if self.rank == 0: return self.raw_task_noises_constraint.transform(self.raw_task_noises) else: raise AttributeError("Cannot set diagonal task noises when covariance has ", self.rank, ">0") @task_noises.setter def task_noises(self, value: Union[float, Tensor]): if self.rank == 0: self._set_task_noises(value) else: raise AttributeError("Cannot set diagonal task noises when covariance has ", self.rank, ">0") def _set_noise(self, value: Union[float, Tensor]): self.initialize(raw_noise=self.raw_noise_constraint.inverse_transform(value)) def _set_task_noises(self, value: Union[float, Tensor]): self.initialize(raw_task_noises=self.raw_task_noises_constraint.inverse_transform(value)) @property def task_noise_covar(self) -> Tensor: if self.rank > 0: return self.task_noise_covar_factor.matmul(self.task_noise_covar_factor.transpose(-1, -2)) else: raise AttributeError("Cannot retrieve task noises when covariance is diagonal.") @task_noise_covar.setter def task_noise_covar(self, value: Union[float, Tensor]): # internally uses a pivoted cholesky decomposition to construct a low rank # approximation of the covariance if self.rank > 0: with torch.no_grad(): = to_linear_operator(value).pivoted_cholesky(rank=self.rank) else: raise AttributeError("Cannot set non-diagonal task noises when covariance is diagonal.") def _eval_covar_matrix(self) -> Tensor: covar_factor = self.task_noise_covar_factor noise = self.noise D = noise * torch.eye(self.num_tasks, dtype=noise.dtype, device=noise.device) return covar_factor.matmul(covar_factor.transpose(-1, -2)) + D