Source code for gpytorch.beta_features

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import warnings

from .settings import _feature_flag, _value_context

class _moved_beta_feature(object):
    def __init__(self, new_cls, orig_name=None):
        self.new_cls = new_cls
        self.orig_name = orig_name if orig_name is not None else "gpytorch.settings.{}".format(new_cls.__name__)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            "`{}` has moved to `gpytorch.settings.{}`.".format(self.orig_name, self.new_cls.__name__),
        return self.new_cls(*args, **kwargs)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(self.new_cls, name)

[docs]class checkpoint_kernel(_value_context): """ Should the kernel be computed in chunks with checkpointing or not? (Default, no) If `split_size = 0`: The kernel is computed explicitly. During training, the kernel matrix is kept in memory for the backward pass. This is the fastest option but the most memory intensive. If `split_size > 0`: The kernel is never fully computed or stored. Instead, the kernel is only accessed through matrix multiplication. The matrix multiplication is computed in `segments` chunks. This is slower, but requires significantly less memory. Default: 0 """ _global_value = 0
[docs]class default_preconditioner(_feature_flag): """ Add a diagonal correction to scalable inducing point methods """ pass
__all__ = ["checkpoint_kernel", "default_preconditioner"]