#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import Optional
import torch
from ..constraints import Interval, Positive
from ..priors import Prior
from .kernel import Kernel
[docs]class PolynomialKernel(Kernel):
Computes a covariance matrix based on the Polynomial kernel
between inputs :math:`\mathbf{x_1}` and :math:`\mathbf{x_2}`:
.. math::
k_\text{Poly}(\mathbf{x_1}, \mathbf{x_2}) = (\mathbf{x_1}^\top
\mathbf{x_2} + c)^{d}.
* :math:`c` is an offset parameter.
offset_prior (:class:`gpytorch.priors.Prior`):
Prior over the offset parameter (default `None`).
offset_constraint (Constraint, optional):
Constraint to place on offset parameter. Default: `Positive`.
active_dims (list):
List of data dimensions to operate on.
`len(active_dims)` should equal `num_dimensions`.
def __init__(
power: int,
offset_prior: Optional[Prior] = None,
offset_constraint: Optional[Interval] = None,
if offset_constraint is None:
offset_constraint = Positive()
self.register_parameter(name="raw_offset", parameter=torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(*self.batch_shape, 1)))
# We want the power to be a float so we dont have to worry about its device / dtype.
if torch.is_tensor(power):
if power.numel() > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Cant create a Polynomial kernel with more than one power")
power = power.item()
self.power = power
if offset_prior is not None:
if not isinstance(offset_prior, Prior):
raise TypeError("Expected gpytorch.priors.Prior but got " + type(offset_prior).__name__)
self.register_prior("offset_prior", offset_prior, lambda m: m.offset, lambda m, v: m._set_offset(v))
self.register_constraint("raw_offset", offset_constraint)
def offset(self) -> torch.Tensor:
return self.raw_offset_constraint.transform(self.raw_offset)
def offset(self, value: torch.Tensor) -> None:
def _set_offset(self, value: torch.Tensor) -> None:
if not torch.is_tensor(value):
value = torch.as_tensor(value).to(self.raw_offset)
def forward(
x1: torch.Tensor,
x2: torch.Tensor,
diag: Optional[bool] = False,
last_dim_is_batch: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> torch.Tensor:
offset = self.offset.view(*self.batch_shape, 1, 1)
if last_dim_is_batch:
x1 = x1.transpose(-1, -2).unsqueeze(-1)
x2 = x2.transpose(-1, -2).unsqueeze(-1)
if diag:
return ((x1 * x2).sum(dim=-1) + self.offset).pow(self.power)
if (x1.dim() == 2 and x2.dim() == 2) and offset.dim() == 2:
return torch.addmm(offset, x1, x2.transpose(-2, -1)).pow(self.power)
return (torch.matmul(x1, x2.transpose(-2, -1)) + offset).pow(self.power)