Source code for gpytorch.models.pyro.pyro_gp

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import pyro

from import GP
from ._pyro_mixin import _PyroMixin

[docs]class PyroGP(GP, _PyroMixin): """ A :obj:`~gpytorch.models.ApproximateGP` designed to work with Pyro. This module makes it possible to include GP models with more complex probablistic models, or to use likelihood functions with additional variational/approximate distributions. The parameters of these models are learned using Pyro's inference tools, unlike other models that optimize models with respect to a :obj:`~gpytorch.mlls.MarginalLogLikelihood`. See `the Pyro examples <examples/09_Pyro_Integration/index.html>`_ for detailed examples. Args: :attr:`variational_strategy` (:obj:`~gpytorch.variational.VariationalStrategy`): The variational strategy that defines the variational distribution and the marginalization strategy. :attr:`likelihood` (:obj:`~gpytorch.likelihoods.Likelihood`): The likelihood for the model :attr:`num_data` (int): The total number of training data points (necessary for SGD) :attr:`name_prefix` (str, optional): A prefix to put in front of pyro sample/plate sites :attr:`beta` (float - default 1.): A multiplicative factor for the KL divergence term. Setting it to 1 (default) recovers true variational inference (as derived in `Scalable Variational Gaussian Process Classification`_). Setting it to anything less than 1 reduces the regularization effect of the model (similarly to what was proposed in `the beta-VAE paper`_). Example: >>> class MyVariationalGP(gpytorch.models.PyroGP): >>> # implementation >>> >>> # variational_strategy = ... >>> likelihood = gpytorch.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood() >>> model = MyVariationalGP(variational_strategy, likelihood, train_y.size()) >>> >>> optimizer = pyro.optim.Adam({"lr": 0.01}) >>> elbo = pyro.infer.Trace_ELBO(num_particles=64, vectorize_particles=True) >>> svi = pyro.infer.SVI(model.model,, optimizer, elbo) >>> >>> # Optimize variational parameters >>> for _ in range(n_iter): >>> loss = svi.step(train_x, train_y) .. _Scalable Variational Gaussian Process Classification: .. _the beta-VAE paper: """ def __init__(self, variational_strategy, likelihood, num_data, name_prefix="", beta=1.0): super().__init__() self.variational_strategy = variational_strategy self.name_prefix = name_prefix self.likelihood = likelihood self.num_data = num_data self.beta = beta # Set values for the likelihood self.likelihood.num_data = num_data self.likelihood.name_prefix = name_prefix
[docs] def guide(self, input, target, *args, **kwargs): r""" Guide function for Pyro inference. Includes the guide for the GP's likelihood function as well. :param torch.Tensor input: :math:`\mathbf X` The input values values :param torch.Tensor target: :math:`\mathbf y` The target values :param args: Additional arguments passed to the likelihood's forward function. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the likelihood's forward function. """ # Get q(f) function_dist = self.pyro_guide(input, beta=self.beta, name_prefix=self.name_prefix) return self.likelihood.pyro_guide(function_dist, target, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def model(self, input, target, *args, **kwargs): r""" Model function for Pyro inference. Includes the model for the GP's likelihood function as well. :param torch.Tensor input: :math:`\mathbf X` The input values values :param torch.Tensor target: :math:`\mathbf y` The target values :param args: Additional arguments passed to the likelihood's forward function. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the likelihood's forward function. """ # Include module pyro.module(self.name_prefix + ".gp", self) # Get p(f) function_dist = self.pyro_model(input, beta=self.beta, name_prefix=self.name_prefix) return self.likelihood.pyro_model(function_dist, target, *args, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, inputs, prior=False): if inputs.dim() == 1: inputs = inputs.unsqueeze(-1) return self.variational_strategy(inputs, prior=prior)