Source code for gpytorch.lazy.toeplitz_lazy_tensor

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import torch

from ..utils.toeplitz import sym_toeplitz_derivative_quadratic_form, sym_toeplitz_matmul
from .lazy_tensor import LazyTensor

[docs]class ToeplitzLazyTensor(LazyTensor): def __init__(self, column): """ Args: :attr: `column` (Tensor) If `column` is a 1D Tensor of length `n`, this represents a Toeplitz matrix with `column` as its first column. If `column` is `b_1 x b_2 x ... x b_k x n`, then this represents a batch `b_1 x b_2 x ... x b_k` of Toeplitz matrices. """ super(ToeplitzLazyTensor, self).__init__(column) self.column = column def _expand_batch(self, batch_shape): return self.__class__(self.column.expand(*batch_shape, self.column.size(-1))) def _get_indices(self, row_index, col_index, *batch_indices): toeplitz_indices = (row_index - col_index).fmod(self.size(-1)).abs().long() return self.column[(*batch_indices, toeplitz_indices)] def _matmul(self, rhs): return sym_toeplitz_matmul(self.column, rhs) def _t_matmul(self, rhs): # Matrix is symmetric return self._matmul(rhs) def _quad_form_derivative(self, left_vecs, right_vecs): if left_vecs.ndimension() == 1: left_vecs = left_vecs.unsqueeze(1) right_vecs = right_vecs.unsqueeze(1) res = sym_toeplitz_derivative_quadratic_form(left_vecs, right_vecs) # Collapse any expanded broadcast dimensions if res.dim() > self.column.dim(): res = res.view(-1, *self.column.shape).sum(0) return (res,) def _size(self): return torch.Size((*self.column.shape, self.column.size(-1))) def _transpose_nonbatch(self): return ToeplitzLazyTensor(self.column) def add_jitter(self, jitter_val=1e-3): jitter = torch.zeros_like(self.column) jitter.narrow(-1, 0, 1).fill_(jitter_val) return ToeplitzLazyTensor(self.column.add(jitter))
[docs] def diag(self): """ Gets the diagonal of the Toeplitz matrix wrapped by this object. """ diag_term = self.column[..., 0] if self.column.ndimension() > 1: diag_term = diag_term.unsqueeze(-1) return diag_term.expand(*self.column.size())