Source code for gpytorch.kernels.grid_interpolation_kernel

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch

from ..lazy import InterpolatedLazyTensor, lazify
from ..models.exact_prediction_strategies import InterpolatedPredictionStrategy
from ..utils.broadcasting import _mul_broadcast_shape
from ..utils.grid import create_grid
from ..utils.interpolation import Interpolation
from .grid_kernel import GridKernel
from .kernel import Kernel

[docs]class GridInterpolationKernel(GridKernel): r""" Implements the KISS-GP (or SKI) approximation for a given kernel. It was proposed in `Kernel Interpolation for Scalable Structured Gaussian Processes`_, and offers extremely fast and accurate Kernel approximations for large datasets. Given a base kernel `k`, the covariance :math:`k(\mathbf{x_1}, \mathbf{x_2})` is approximated by using a grid of regularly spaced *inducing points*: .. math:: \begin{equation*} k(\mathbf{x_1}, \mathbf{x_2}) = \mathbf{w_{x_1}}^\top K_{U,U} \mathbf{w_{x_2}} \end{equation*} where * :math:`U` is the set of gridded inducing points * :math:`K_{U,U}` is the kernel matrix between the inducing points * :math:`\mathbf{w_{x_1}}` and :math:`\mathbf{w_{x_2}}` are sparse vectors based on :math:`\mathbf{x_1}` and :math:`\mathbf{x_2}` that apply cubic interpolation. The user should supply the size of the grid (using the :attr:`grid_size` attribute). To choose a reasonable grid value, we highly recommend using the :func:`gpytorch.utils.grid.choose_grid_size` helper function. The bounds of the grid will automatically be determined by data. (Alternatively, you can hard-code bounds using the :attr:`grid_bounds`, which will speed up this kernel's computations.) .. note:: `GridInterpolationKernel` can only wrap **stationary kernels** (such as RBF, Matern, Periodic, Spectral Mixture, etc.) Args: - :attr:`base_kernel` (Kernel): The kernel to approximate with KISS-GP - :attr:`grid_size` (Union[int, List[int]]): The size of the grid in each dimension. If a single int is provided, then every dimension will have the same grid size. - :attr:`num_dims` (int): The dimension of the input data. Required if `grid_bounds=None` - :attr:`grid_bounds` (tuple(float, float), optional): The bounds of the grid, if known (high performance mode). The length of the tuple must match the number of dimensions. The entries represent the min/max values for each dimension. - :attr:`active_dims` (tuple of ints, optional): Passed down to the `base_kernel`. .. _Kernel Interpolation for Scalable Structured Gaussian Processes: """ def __init__( self, base_kernel: Kernel, grid_size: Union[int, List[int]], num_dims: Optional[int] = None, grid_bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, active_dims: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, ): has_initialized_grid = 0 grid_is_dynamic = True # Make some temporary grid bounds, if none exist if grid_bounds is None: if num_dims is None: raise RuntimeError("num_dims must be supplied if grid_bounds is None") else: # Create some temporary grid bounds - they'll be changed soon grid_bounds = tuple((-1.0, 1.0) for _ in range(num_dims)) else: has_initialized_grid = 1 grid_is_dynamic = False if num_dims is None: num_dims = len(grid_bounds) elif num_dims != len(grid_bounds): raise RuntimeError( "num_dims ({}) disagrees with the number of supplied " "grid_bounds ({})".format(num_dims, len(grid_bounds)) ) if isinstance(grid_size, int): grid_sizes = [grid_size for _ in range(num_dims)] else: grid_sizes = list(grid_size) if len(grid_sizes) != num_dims: raise RuntimeError("The number of grid sizes provided through grid_size do not match num_dims.") # Initialize values and the grid self.grid_is_dynamic = grid_is_dynamic self.num_dims = num_dims self.grid_sizes = grid_sizes self.grid_bounds = grid_bounds grid = create_grid(self.grid_sizes, self.grid_bounds) super(GridInterpolationKernel, self).__init__( base_kernel=base_kernel, grid=grid, interpolation_mode=True, active_dims=active_dims, ) self.register_buffer("has_initialized_grid", torch.tensor(has_initialized_grid, dtype=torch.bool)) @property def _tight_grid_bounds(self): grid_spacings = tuple((bound[1] - bound[0]) / self.grid_sizes[i] for i, bound in enumerate(self.grid_bounds)) return tuple( (bound[0] + 2.01 * spacing, bound[1] - 2.01 * spacing) for bound, spacing in zip(self.grid_bounds, grid_spacings) ) def _compute_grid(self, inputs, last_dim_is_batch=False): n_data, n_dimensions = inputs.size(-2), inputs.size(-1) if last_dim_is_batch: inputs = inputs.transpose(-1, -2).unsqueeze(-1) n_dimensions = 1 batch_shape = inputs.shape[:-2] inputs = inputs.reshape(-1, n_dimensions) interp_indices, interp_values = Interpolation().interpolate(self.grid, inputs) interp_indices = interp_indices.view(*batch_shape, n_data, -1) interp_values = interp_values.view(*batch_shape, n_data, -1) return interp_indices, interp_values def _inducing_forward(self, last_dim_is_batch, **params): return super().forward(self.grid, self.grid, last_dim_is_batch=last_dim_is_batch, **params) def forward(self, x1, x2, diag=False, last_dim_is_batch=False, **params): # See if we need to update the grid or not if self.grid_is_dynamic: # This is true if a grid_bounds wasn't passed in if torch.equal(x1, x2): x = x1.reshape(-1, self.num_dims) else: x =[x1.reshape(-1, self.num_dims), x2.reshape(-1, self.num_dims)]) x_maxs = x.max(0)[0].tolist() x_mins = x.min(0)[0].tolist() # We need to update the grid if # 1) it hasn't ever been initialized, or # 2) if any of the grid points are "out of bounds" update_grid = (not self.has_initialized_grid.item()) or any( x_min < bound[0] or x_max > bound[1] for x_min, x_max, bound in zip(x_mins, x_maxs, self._tight_grid_bounds) ) # Update the grid if needed if update_grid: grid_spacings = tuple( (x_max - x_min) / (gs - 4.02) for gs, x_min, x_max in zip(self.grid_sizes, x_mins, x_maxs) ) self.grid_bounds = tuple( (x_min - 2.01 * spacing, x_max + 2.01 * spacing) for x_min, x_max, spacing in zip(x_mins, x_maxs, grid_spacings) ) grid = create_grid( self.grid_sizes, self.grid_bounds, dtype=self.grid[0].dtype, device=self.grid[0].device, ) self.update_grid(grid) base_lazy_tsr = lazify(self._inducing_forward(last_dim_is_batch=last_dim_is_batch, **params)) if last_dim_is_batch and base_lazy_tsr.size(-3) == 1: base_lazy_tsr = base_lazy_tsr.repeat(*x1.shape[:-2], x1.size(-1), 1, 1) left_interp_indices, left_interp_values = self._compute_grid(x1, last_dim_is_batch) if torch.equal(x1, x2): right_interp_indices = left_interp_indices right_interp_values = left_interp_values else: right_interp_indices, right_interp_values = self._compute_grid(x2, last_dim_is_batch) batch_shape = _mul_broadcast_shape( base_lazy_tsr.batch_shape, left_interp_indices.shape[:-2], right_interp_indices.shape[:-2], ) res = InterpolatedLazyTensor( base_lazy_tsr.expand(*batch_shape, *base_lazy_tsr.matrix_shape), left_interp_indices.detach().expand(*batch_shape, *left_interp_indices.shape[-2:]), left_interp_values.expand(*batch_shape, *left_interp_values.shape[-2:]), right_interp_indices.detach().expand(*batch_shape, *right_interp_indices.shape[-2:]), right_interp_values.expand(*batch_shape, *right_interp_values.shape[-2:]), ) if diag: return res.diag() else: return res def prediction_strategy(self, train_inputs, train_prior_dist, train_labels, likelihood): return InterpolatedPredictionStrategy(train_inputs, train_prior_dist, train_labels, likelihood)